Get to know us
Where do we start ...
From our parents being best friends because our older siblings went to playgroup together, we didn't have the option but be best friends from birth. From being born 2 months apart and Coopers bday falling on boxing day which commonly gets forgotten about. We grew up best friends, family and brothers having the best time. We spent our whole childhood together trying to take on the world and with the hope of one day working together. This dream came true for us in November of 2020 when we started up Outdated. As many 20 year olds did in COVID, we thought what better time to start up what we have wanted to do together for so long. From designing pieces and sitting on the phone 24/7 we decided to bite the bullet and jump into this industry and we have never looked back. Fast forward just under 2 years and we couldn't be more grateful for the love and support you have all shown us, we can't wait. to keep showing you guys what we have in store for the new year.
Love you guys.
Love us xx